High Performance mechanical degreaser. High performances Brakes Cleaner. De-greases rapidly brakes and clutch – High output spray - Rapid evaporation without residue - Formula guaranteed without butane and acetone.
High Performance mechanical degreaser. High performances Brakes Cleaner. De-greases rapidly brakes and clutch – High output spray - Rapid evaporation without residue - Formula guaranteed without butane and acetone.
Association of very fast evaporating degreasing fluids with very strong solvent power, for cleaning of mechanical parts, molds, metallic surfaces before painting or guing, degreasing of tensionless electric contacts. Also adapted for degreasing an dust removal for brakes and clutches. > Guaranteed without butane and without acetone safety formula. Moderately inflammable.
Ref. 404012 : Box of 12 sprays (650/400 ml)
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