Description TC1 Diesel


TC1 Diesel

Diesel Preventive Treatment

Protects the injection and Intake system

Cleans valves and EGR

Reduces fuel consumption


Clean and protects the fuel injection system. Clean injection pump, injectors, combustion chambers, valves and intake circuit (EGR valve). Fight against the contaminations by water, and protects from corrosion. Make the engines run smoothly and quietly, increase mileage from 3 to 5%. Decrease the pollution emanations of more than 30% (particles). To use every 3000 miles for an optimum protection. 200 ml treat 40 to 70 liters

Very wide action areas

We supply all our products throughout France, Europe and the whole world with processes and business experience.

100% MécaTech Performances

All our products are developed, manufactured and packaged by us, under a certified quality assurance system, in our factory, in the Lyon region.

+33 (0)4 37 25 16 16

Our sale department is available Monday to Friday from 8.00 am to 12.30 am and from 13.30 pm to 17.30 pm

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